What happened to Downeast.net (and Jordan Networks) ?

Several friends up here in Maine have been left without an ISP when downeast.net apparently shut down a few days ago. They disconnected their servers and phones and disappeared. Years ago they were run by 2 local very cool people ‘Merlin’ (Don) and ‘Morgana’ (Jean) but I heard they sold the ISP part of things and were just doing web hosting now (http://downeasthost.com/ and a great local host for non-profits, ellsworthme.org). These sites are still running and I’d highly recommend them.

The dialup service… even if it comes back, seems to be a mess now.

After hearing the ISP was down I suggested one person call to see what they knew but they were apparently in the dark too.

I’ve spent a while tonight practicing my google fu and here’s what I’ve found. Warning, this is long and boring and I really only did for downeast.net customers who might want someone to call to find out what they hell is going on (and when they are getting their money back)

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