Ok so recently my friend Hope posted a note on the Antioch92 alumni MSN board that she found some livejournals of current Antioch College students. Ok, I’m game, I’m curious what they have to say.
So I read Jenna’s Livejournal. Kinda interesting to read her online diary, and I wish people had been doing this when I was a student, but here’s one entry that really caught my eye;
“anyway, i want to get stuff in the mail. so.. i’m giving you all my school address, and you better all send me stuff. i don’t care what – letters, postcards, food, whatever.. just send me stuff!
Jenna Fields
Student Mailroom, Antioch College
Yellow Springs, OH 45387”
Did she REALLY just ask strangers to send her “Whatever” ? Oh dear.
I don’t think many people who know me from Antioch know that I really enjoy mostly harmless pranks & mischief.
A bit of background here before I continue, Probably most Antioch students from when I was a student there and worked there think of me as that guy on ComCil, a C-Shop Manager, Community Manager, Asst. to the Dean of Students or Asst. Director of Technology Resources. Being in CG and the Dean of Students office got me a reputation as, what i call it in card/board games, a ‘Rules Lawyer”. I got put in positions where I had to enfore college rules and policies that, while I undersood them logically, didn’t really care about that much and pretty much hated enforcing. One example comes to mind where I had to ‘babysit’ the dances (which was rather ironic since I never went to them as a student!), checking CG cards and stopping people from bringing glass bottles in to the dance. NOTE the destinction there, not preventing them from bringing alcohol into the dance space (or even bringing up the subject that I knew they were 18 so what were they doing with a big bottle of beer anyways), but just the simple act of courtesy of not bringing glass in there.
For some students this was the social equivalent of laying down the guantlet for a duel, and they decided to try to volley drunken, slurred poorly formed arguments at me in hopes their warped logic would convince me to let them past the table into the dance with their bottle in hand. What I would have loved to say is “Look you stupid prick, if it’s really so much to ask to have you put your 40 oz beer in a plastic cup (that we are providing no less, oh and i’ll personally babysite said bottle until you return, we aim to please) so you wont break glass in the dance space where other students are, albeit stupidly, dancing barefoot, then fine, what do I care?, go cause an accident.”
What I really loved was the idiots that smuggled them by me and then did break them, and had to sheepishly come ask me for a broom “Dude, I don’t know how it happened, can you help me? Now I realize what you meant.”
So anyways, since I got to be there as the representative of ‘the man’; the evil college administration that took all their money and plotted new ways to make their lives more miserable, most folks who know me only through that probably think I’m a real prick with a copy of the college leg code, civil liberties and honor codes shoved up my ass.
What all those people, and probably most of the people who knew me as a student didn’t know is I am actually a rather mischevious person. I’ll post some other time here about my high school pranks and Antioch escapades, but suffice to say, when presented an opportunity for a prank, i’ll take it.
So here’s poor first year Jenna, whom I don’t know AT ALL, whose livejournal happened to have been found by a friend of mine, and I happened to read on a day where she posted that her mailbox was too empty. Little did she know that her mailbox would soon be pandoras box.
Do you REALIZE how many free samples you can request on the internet just for asking? And free magazine subscriptions? Hope joined in this quest and together I suspect we’ve requested hundreds of items for Jenna. Her address will also no doubt be sold to dozens of other mail order spammers and they’ll tell two friends and they’ll tell two friends.
Also, as it turns out, Jenna’a friends Dayna Ingram and Brittany Yoak thought it was neat Jenna was getting stuff in her mailbox and posted in their journals they wanted the anonymous mailers to adopt them too. 3 is doable, why not?
I even called in the terrible triumvarate(sp?) of 3 of my weirdest friends, Xydexx, Drumsong and Countryham, from high school, who aren’t associated with Antioch remotely, to help with this project. I don’t know if any of them will take up the challnege, but it was worth asking cause if they put their (warped) minds to it, they could get some WEIRD stuff heading towards Yellow Springs.
I also felt generous, and bought some cheap weird stuff on ebay for them including weird decals (‘Beware of Dumpster Diver’), Coffee grinder table lamps (which turned out to be owned by Khaos who sent lots of other weird stuff with the lamps), books, a magnetic bumper sticker that reads ‘I am a bitch’, and more.
So now I’m tuning into their journals awaiting their comments when this stuff arrives. If anyone of them get smart enoug to search for links to their journal on the web they’ll find this note and I’ll be ‘outed’ but i doubt this will get googled anytime super soon, We’ll see. For now I’m reading what Jenna, Dayna and Brittany encounter as Antioch digests, er educates, them.
For the record, in case you, the reader, feels so moved to send them stuff, both Dayna & Brittany’s mailing address is the same as the one I quoted from Jenna in the first post, though you might want to include 795 Livermore Street in there too, as well as the main switchboard #, 937 767 7331 cause some places require that.
Enough for now. -Matt
Re: your pranks
Four words:
“Not Valid With Photo”
You should read Brittany’s LibeJournal today. Someone (sadly, not me – maybe Dolphin?) sent her something really funny …
hahahaha found you!
thanks for the crap, we enjoyed it immensely, and await more weird, FUCKED UP shit with the eagerness of young dearlings.
For future knowledge, we enjoy mixed tapes and money. Thank you kindly.
The ambiguously gay duo.
We fight crime… or not.
Great … now I can’t get “The Ambiguously Gay Duo”‘s theme song out of my head.
Oh my. Didn’t realize google would catalog me that fast, I must be on their prime crawl list 🙂 And.. I didn’t realize the Antioch womyn would be sneaky enough to search and find me that fast. They must have too much free time, sitting around in the dorms googling themselves. Disgusting. 🙂
They just never learn do they? Here they go asking me, the volunteer radio dj and folk/weird music evangelist, for mixes. Should I make a mix of truely horrible stuff? weird stuff? cool stuff? all of the above mixed into one CD? or should I send the boxed set? I’ll have to think about this.
DAYNA/BRITTANY – Well I’m glad y’all found me, I expected that at some point, but I’m also kinda sad, no more anonymous taunting of the first years. (Though Jenna hasn’t popped in yet, maybe she’s not google literate). And I’m certain you haven’t received a majority of the stuff we signed you up for. I did my best to filter out anything that had any kind of requirement like a free magazine that requires you cancel the subscription in 30 days or get a bill. Did you know you are dingram@antiochians.org and byoak@antiochians.org? See you on the Antioch92 board.
haha, We were really bored, and like to google ourselves from time to time.
It might take Jenna a little longer to find you.
I, personally, love all sorts of music, so anything is good… save possible horrible country and rap. I grew up in the south, I’ve heard enough country to last me two or three lifetimes. Always out to discover new (to me) music!
Speaking on behalf of Dayna and Jenna, we thank ye kindly, and all others who have contibuted, to making each day interesting as I walk to the mail box and look with excitement at the abundance of random catalogs, books for teenage girls, and adult diapers.
We salute you!
Me, google illiterate? HA. In no way. I had no idea that the two of them googled you until today. As Brittany was saying, “Haha, you will never find the website!”, it was loading right in front of me. I wanted to thank you for gracing me with the coffee bean lamps as well as everything else. The hippie postcards rock, as well as the misc. little knick-knacks. Don’t forget that I love getting mixed tapes, letters(love letters, specifically), books and other interesting things. I’ll be looking forward to checking my mail forever more. Thanks again!
I’m the sender of the hippie postcards.
Check out http://www.disgruntledpunk.com for the sender of the coffee bean lamps. He and I were just talking about those lamps the other day. We were delighted that they were back at Antioch, and both agree that the only thing better would be if ten years from now, the lamps find themselves being sold to yet another Antiochian on eBay.
So now I hafta make THREE mix tapes? Ooh – a challenge. I already know what I’m going to use for the covers. Maybe if I actually motivate to get these tapes made, I’ll find the motivation to make the tape I’ve been promising to make for my baby (16 y.o.) brother.