Ok so all my friends who ‘blog’ pretty much use livejournal, but I hate relying on external servers to do my work, so I’m stuck. Do I stay on my high horse and do all my stuff on my personal site, requiring my livejournal friends to link to my URL when they reference me, or do I drop this and move over there.
Or… Do I work on finding a way to synchronize the two. Apparently, I’m not the first person to think of this, I found “MovableType to LiveJournal Crossposting Plugin” which claims to do everything I’d want. Last night I downloaded and installed it along with the various pieces it required to run.
It was a little vague on where to put the <$MTLJCrosspost user="username" pass="hashedpassword" $> part. It says it should go in your archive template, but which ? And where exactly? So i’m experimenting with that right now.
I think it’s all in place now, this is a test run.
Hello world?
It works! Took a bit of experimentation and testing (no error logs when it didn’t work) until I finally got all the pieces in place.
The comments don’t get passed up though, so that’s a bummer. 🙁 But ‘sides that, it’s pretty cool.
For the record, the livejournal mirror of my journal is : http://www.livejournal.com/users/m00nshadow/
Nope. Apparently I have to comment twice.