Identity Theft

Hey looks like the wheels of fate have picked me up in their treads and dealt me out as a scam victim. Someone got a hold of my debit VISA #, which I only use online at places I trust (, etc.) but apparently I trusted one too many sites, or someone in one of the places got a hold of my info and levied some charges against my account. Luckily I noticed these pretty quickly, which is surprising actually since I normally don’t watch the activity on my account all that often (or at least up ’til now I didn’t).

First off I’ve cancelled my card and will have to wait up to two weeks to get another. No ATM / debit charges for me for 2 weeks. AND now all the sites I’ve set up to auto-charge this card (Mobil Speedpass, Maine Transpass, AT&T Cellphone,, etc) need to get updated before they send me nasty notes. Probably about time I retired that number anyways, seeing as I memorized it about a year ago and thus it’s far too easy to impulse buy online.

Today I’ve been making phone calls trying to get more info and get charges reversed. Luckily they are small charges (mostly $1 pre-auth charges, though the ‘real charges’ could come through at any moment).

Here’s the summary so far: (I figured I’d provide the info here in case anyone else has similar charges and googles around and finds my page)

Turns out that TLG is Trilegiant. I found this website ( and they are basically an umbrella company to a bunch of somewhat sleazy looking websites like and NetMarket. Calling these folks was n’ar completely useless since they wouldn’t listen to me explaining that these $1 charges were just someone checking if the card was valid and that the actual charge, probably for much more. They insisted these must be ‘membership charges’ and that I could have signed up for these from a number of sites like AOL and etc. I tried to explain that I KNOW I DIDN’T MAKE THESE CHARGES but they said my name wasn’t in their customer support system yet and I should check back at the end of the week, though I may need to wait 2 or 3 weeks for my ‘membership to be processed’. I’m going to call these folks again in a little bit to see if I can get someone with more of a clue. (Note – I just called them again and got a more abbreviated version of the same dance, but this time I felt like the person actually heard what I said, but he said I ‘wasn’t in the system’ yet but should be by Thursday (much different than the 2 or 3 weeks mentioned above)

Next charge was to BLOCKBUSTER ONLINE. They found me in their system and were able to reverse the charges and cancel the account promptly. They gave me the e-mail address the person used to fill out the membership form, I dropped it a note and it didn’t bounce. I’m debating dropping them a longer note 🙂

Next charge was to TWX MAGAZINE ORDER. Found out they had subscribed to TEEN PEOPLE, SEVENTEEN and ESCAPE BOATING magazine. They asked if I was sure that someone else hadn’t placed the order for these magazines and I explained that I was 36, my son is only 20 months old, and I don’t own a boat! I had the order cancelled though they said I may still receive a few issues. Golly, can’t wait.

Final call was to STAR CLUB REWARDS who said they hadn’t actually charged my card the $1, that was just what it looked like since they had verfied it was active when they created the membership (with the same fake e-mail used elsewhere)

That’s it. I know I’m lucky compared to most, especially considering this card was my debit VISA it could have been alot worse. Note to self, don’t use that online anymore.

388 thoughts on “Identity Theft”

  1. I have signed up for absolutely nothing. I’m from Scotland, and in the UK they recently had to change the format of credit cards to include a pin number – the same as debit cards. I just reviewed my statement, and realized that the last 3 months I’ve been charged $9.99 and its direct to TLG.

    I’ll be calling those bastards first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the site, Doug and Matt have done some serious research, and it does seem like there is a big loophole. I am with Bank of America, I will be asking them tomorrow about protection plans.


  2. Still going on guys. I’ve been charged 9.99 the last two months on my Wachovia card that has never been used except at ATM’s. How does that happen? Anyway, the bank returned the charges to my account almost immediately except for the overdraft charge that the unexpected 9.99 charge cost me. Guarantee, I’ll be one of the people cashing that 4.50 check. Probably frame a copy of it.

    Thanks for all the info.

  3. Hey, the same thing happened to me also. I’ve been charged $9.99 and its direct to TLG. So what is the solution to stop this as soon as possible. Please I need help.

  4. msr,
    contact your credit card company to get a phone # for TLG. They use different numbers for their different “services”. Then call TLG and they will refund you most recent charges only. I would also file complaints with the BBB and anyone else who will listen.

    I am the latest GREAT FUN victim it seems. My husband purchased some movie tickets on Fandango in JUNE and they just charged my card 9.99 last month. We thought it could be something we purchased but weren’t sure. Then when I saw a new charge today, I KNEW it was something that we had NOT signed up for!
    The contact # we were given to call was 1-877-709-0966
    The guy was very polite but that company is a total SCAM. I will be contacting Fandango to let them know I will no longer purchase tickets from them because of this!

    Thanks for all the great info, guys!

  5. I only gave my drivers license before I relized it was a scam, I’m I going to be ok or should I do something, it was the same gut at 223-2263.

    Advise please

  6. I just started getting calls from this 223-2263 and the scary thing is, I just got my 1st credit card, used it once online to get my daughters ‘disney on ice’ tickets.

    I called t-mobile to see if they have had any other reports about this number and I was told ‘no’. I asked the rep if he could trace # and he said since there is no area code there is not much he could do. He did advise me to contact my local authorities and they could get with t-mobiles security and MAYBE find something out.

    This frustrates me to all hell because I just got my credit back into good order and able to get a CC….I use it once and I find all this stuff from puting the # into google.

    We are not safe anywhere are we?

    Any helpful hint would be appreciated =)

  7. Augh!!!

    I just logged into my bank account and have literally 15-20 charges from a bunch of small unknown groups/companies…to include TLG*Greatfun (Which brought me to this blog on a google). In the last 7 days over $300 (with charges ranging from $4.95 to $17.95) in charges have taken toll on my debit card…I am going to try to compile a list of all the companies involved and post it in the future…but a quick scan shows TLG*Greatfun, AMS*Nestle, HGO*Verizon, HLS*Eartlnk, TLG*CompleteHome and several others. I am still in the process of verifing authorized charges and don’t want to misrepresent any company…so please bare with me!

  8. Yay now im part of the club. I noticed multiple TLG*Greatfn $8.99 charges to my account. Went to the GreatFun website and called them. They said i clicked on a page to get a $25 rebate from, this automatically makes you a member of Greatfun and if you dont cancel the membership within 60 days you are charged the $8.99 monthly membership fee. I canceled my membership and will be credited back the last months fee.

  9. same story here it is the weekend so i have to wait this site really helped thank you

  10. FYI I received an e-mail from today regarding the class action lawsuit. I was going to post it’s contents here but they had a scary postscript saying “any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited” so I figured I wont piss off these lawyers since they are ostensibly working on our behalf.

    Just wanted to mention this in case any of you hadn’t already signed up at now is probably a good time.

    Go get ’em guys!

  11. Hello Folks-
    My introduction to Trilegiant was a $130 bite out of my account.
    1. websearch to find out who this is.
    2. call to bank to verify this was a TLG debit and get their number.
    3. called TLG, was politely terrifying and got what I needed to know from them.
    4. filed complaint with FTC.
    5. fired off politely terrifying emails to bank, watched them have nervous breakdown – because TLG got to me THROUGH MY BANK. YES. PROOF.
    Phase I ends-
    Nothing makes people as stupid as greed. The banks have been very stupid, because they have been conspiring with a third party to defraud their own customers and they know it.
    You can shut down TLG – they’ll get a new paint job and hood ornament and go right back at it.
    Without the active collusion of the banks, TLG is finished – you have to go after the banks.
    Phase II
    “I’m shocked – shocked – to hear that gambling has been going on in this establishment!”
    Next comes the head honcho of my bank – I am going to document with letters that he/she is aware that his/her bank is defrauding its own customers.
    Guess who takes the fall when shocked stockholders find out what their bank has been doing.
    It’s the bottom line to blame – sure TLG stinks, but look at our profits……
    When a few bank presidents get hauled off to prison this scam will end for good.
    Trigeliant reminds me of something out of HP Lovecraft – this is the only thing that will work. The Banks are the enablers of this scam, and it will collapse without them.
    Go after the banks. Get proof that bank officials are aware of what TLG does, and take it to the government for action.

  12. My friend and I were talking and she mentioned a charge for $9.99 she received last month and this month under the name greatfun. She had no clue who they were so I googled ‘greatfun’ and found this site.

    I’ve since found out that her bank is affiliated with Trilegiant. The only thing she purchases online is plane tickets about twice a year.

    My husband and I purchase tons online and have never had these charges. We shop Amazon, use netflix (which I love!), justdeals, ebay, and more. I’ve called my bank and it is not affiliated with Trilegiant. I know for certain there haven’t been any charges. We are very conciousious of our money and use enter everything into a monthly budget. We literally know where every penny goes each month. Wonder if this helps the bank involvement theory?

    Today, my friend is going to contest these charges with her bank. And from what I’ve learned here, she’ll need to cancel her membership.

    Thanks all for posting. The phone numbers and information will be helpful for my friend.

    Good luck to all fighting this problem.

  13. Alrighty.
    I got slapped with a $99.00 charge from TLG on a credit card that I have rarely used. (car rentals, a few online travelocity trips, a few hotels, and really that is it.)
    I emailed my credit card company telling them it was an unauthorized transaction, and if they cannot HELP me fix this situation, that I would have to cancel my card effective immediatly.
    Hopefully I can get this figured out with some of the clues from above.
    Thanks for the site. I hope I survive.

  14. “I didn’t think it would happen to me”, my famous last words. To be specific. It started in one of two places. First, I applied for a credit card with First Premier Bank, they ask for your SSN. At 15:12 my bank charged my account with $9.99 from some outfit called TLG* Greatfun, also listed as an outbound telemarketing transaction. Watch it folks, I think First Premier is selling lists and from what I’ve read about them, they should be shut down. The thing that worries me is that I may have lost my SSN to a list broker. I was able to cancel my card just an hour or so after I saw the transaction appear on my online statement and I immediately called the bank to find out where the charge came from. It was easy to see it wasn’t mine, I used my card once today and I was no where close to a place to use it at 15:12 (3:30pm Central). So all is well except that I have to make some calls to my car insurance people and my phone company, both whom are paid directly from my account to make sure they are covered. I use Vonage for a phone service so my card was used to initiate service with them. I pay for almost everything with that card and the thought of someone getting a hold of my personal information scares the life out of me, especially my SSN. I’m disabled and depend on Social Security to survive but also, all the services I require are connected to that SSN. I’m going to have to call the Social Security Office first thing after I go to the bank. It seems there are so many people and shell companies involved in this scam, there has to be a way for people like us to get a class action suit going and put these people down like the dogs they are including the vermin that sell the information to them. I’m all about activism when it comes to ripping off the little guy. I’m also going to call Charter Communication about the spam problem that seems to be so far out of hand, no one will every be safe again. I believe I was hit through an email ad. So watch out for First Premier Bank Ads in you inbox. Everyone should be writing to their ISPs abuse departments and any consumer abuse agencies they can. Let’s get organized.

  15. I just had to cancel my debit card after receiving a charge from TLG GreatFun. I feel badly because I blamed my son for the charge! Boy… do I owe him an apology! 🙁

  16. i called tlg complete home, got the run-a-round from Kianna id #374109. i then called my cc company, orchard bank (who has this third party thing going on with TLG) talked to Jeanie.. told her the situation. she said that i should call TLG back immediatly, ask for a supervisor, and TELL them to cancel my “memebership” effective NOW. that is what i did. talked to roberta id # 39363, told her i wasn’t interested in their services and to credit my cc account. fine. she did it. then 1 week later, i get another charge from.. you got it.. TLG shopper advantage for 99.99. so i repeated the steps again. easier this time, cause i had just gone through it. so checking my cc account today online, and guess what? ANOTHER charge. this time it is TLG autovantage. of course it is past 9 pm pacific time, and business hours are 9-5. same with my cc company. i have decided to close my account with the cc company, telling them why of course… without them, i would not have these problems.
    so my suggestion, dont get a card from orchard bank. they are hugely connected to all of the TLG scammers.
    good luck to all of you new victims.
    i will report back on what has happened.

  17. Okay the same thing happened to me! I got it taken care of thanks to this website! I only saw one charge in the amount of $8.25. It was through The number on my bank statement was fradulant and the number my bank had on file was a diffrent one but fradulant also. As of yet I’ve only spent 2 days dealing with this. 5 minutes with TLG. The lady was actually very friendly and helpful. Ask for Maria! Ha Ha. Spent a day at the bank trying to figure out where the charge came from and a ligit phone number and the rest was on the internet. I am so happy I came acrossed this site. Now lets hope no new charges show up in the next few days. Once again Matt thank you for posting this site!

  18. Found a charge for $54.00 on my ATM/Visa debit card, which I use for everything. Charge was conveniently placed on a Friday night, but after reading (most of) these postings, I called TWX’s automated service.

    Like trudging through a swamp, I waded through the menu selections until I was able to cancel. Next step is to call my bank, Bank of America, tomorrow morning to dispute charges and have them reversed. These folks are normally pretty good about this anyway, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

    Also, I’ve learned that Bank of America has recently teamed up with MBNA for credit card service. So anytime I swipe my card for groceries, at gas stations, Home Depot & Lowe’s, online purchases, etc., my number is out there. (I cannot cancel my card as I have a vacation in 6 weeks, paid for with this card. I’ll need the card when I check in to say that it’s me trying to sign for my room.)

    Meanwhile, I did actually order two magazines in May 2005 but was never offered option to cancel during 6-month trial. I can get these two mags so much cheaper from their own websites that I planned do that instead. I knew I was subscribing originally and planned to cancel, but never got the chance. “Aye, there’s the rub.” If they don’t let you cancel, they can keep charging your card. Smart buggers.

    Will see how things develop and will post additional info as events warrant. FYI: I never spoke to a live person at TWX’s automated service. Automated Voice Lady said that mags would be canceled, pending charges would be dropped, and today’s fee would be reversed. We’ll see what happens…

    Thanks Matt, Colleen, Teresa, Doug, and this cast of thousands (okay, 200+) for your help.

  19. I have no known unauthorized credit card charges to date. (thankfully) Although I have been receiving calls to my home from 223-2263 w/no area code. I googled the number and this blog came up. So here I am.

    Anyway, I have been reading this blog and am curious how Trilegiant and the number 223-2263 are connected. Is there any connection? Or is this page talking about two different topics… Trilegiant and 223-2263???

    FMI on the number 223-2263 please see the following web site:

    I have made a complaint with the FTC and plan on making more complaints with other orgs. (Complaining is one thing I am gifted at.)

    “JM” from ME.

  20. I also have been a victim to TLG Great Fun. They have been debiting my checking account in the amount of $9.99 for the last few months. I found out that they received all my information such as debit card information when I requested a credit report through my bank. Privacy Source was the company that gave my information to TLG Great Fun.

  21. Hi Matt, just wanted to say thanks for posting the phone numbers to these companies. I just found charges on my debit card and couldn’t find any useful links in my search besides yours.
    Thanks again,

  22. I just noticed this morning that there were three unauthorized charges to my business bank card account-all from TWX for magazines that I wouldn’t read if I was stuck in the desert for a month. I immediately called TWX and they of course found no record of any order under the card number or my name. Luckily I was able to immediatley cancel the card and my bank immediately reversed the charges. The thing is though, that this particular account was only opened about three months ago. I haven’t seen anything come across from the other companies mentioned, but after reading everyone’s messages I’m certainly going to be keeping an eye out. I also only use that card on very trusted sites and then only rarely. I suppose that doesn’t mean much anymore, which is upsetting since I’ve always enjoyed online shopping.

    Thank you for posting those other phone numbers. It will be nice to have them for reference in case this happens again with any of the other companies.

  23. The scam keeps going: Four charges of 9.99 for the last four months from TLG*SHOPPER. I just noticed today. Ack. I called the credit card company (Chase) and reported them as fraudulent. They said they will take care of it.

    I’m guessing that by the end of this month a new charge is going to appear. If so, I’ll call the credit card company and ask for a new number.

  24. Hey fools. Sorry to say almost every one of you somehow signed up for whatever charges you received.

    Rules to follow:
    * “Trial” periods that require a credit card number ALWAYS will charge you if you don’t cancel. That includes TWX*Magazines, AP9*, TLG* and many others

    *READ the back of random $10.00(or $20.00 or whatever) checks that you receive BEFORE cashing them. They ALWAYS say WHAT you are signing up for by cashing the check, WHERE it will bill if you don’t cancel and HOW to cancel if you don’t want the service.

    *Try being a smart consumer and pay attention to what others involved in your financial transactions are saying. A cashier that’s trying to get you to try a free trial of a TWX* magazine may be a fast talker and if you just say “yeah, whatever” you are going to get the magazine and subsequent charges because if it.

    Good luck avoiding all the “shysters” and “thieves” that are just charging your account because YOU gave them permission to do so, albeit indirectly.

  25. Well, I should say in my defense that I have never given my credit card number for a trial of anything whatsoever. I don’t buy magazines, I don’t click on pop-ups and I don’t cash magic checks either. When telemarketers call, I hang on off the phone immediately. That’s my way of being a smart consumer. And yet, despite all of this, I got subscribed who know how to one of these TLG*s.

  26. I’m with Javier on this one Robert. I have never in my life signed up for a trial anything. This is a business card that I use for travel and local purchases. Believe it or not there really is cc theft that has nothing to do with what the cc owner is doing.

  27. I think Robert has obviously not read this thread since if he had he’d see that what’s going on here, at least for some of us, doesn’t match with the examples he posted. I think he’s just trying to start an argument. Those of us that were affected by this know what happened and where and when we use our cards and regardless what Robert may think, I personally know I didn’t do anything that iniated this. I’m 99% sure what happened is someone, somehow got my info & card and used it at one of these ‘Free iPod’ places to get their credits to get the free item by using my identity/card to sign me up for magazines and other things.

    This blog entry is now 18 months old and has over 260 responses so far. I think that alone says alot about what’s going on here, there is obviously something bigger going on out there.


  28. Hello all, I have read all 18 months of posts, and I too have to deal with this “TLG” company. This is the second time I have had to deal with it. I still don’t know how this company has access to my card, as I changed the # last time. I am wondering if it is my bank that has partnered with them… who knows..Thank you all for helping with all the numbers and information on how to deal with the problem! As for Robert, who posted such nonsense, I think he is the CEO of Trilegient in cognito!

  29. I recently got nailed. Well for the second time.

    My bank called and asked if I was recently in Mexico and I said no. Well someone in Mexico was charging up a storm. Of course the bank stopped the card.

    When I went to the bank and we went over the charges I found out that someone in Mexico made a dup of my card with all the info on it.

    This kills me because I am VERY careful with my card. I never use it as a debt card always credit.

    My bank asked did anyone hold my card for a long time? Then I thought hmm yes I rented a car with Avis in Houston and the clerk held onto my card for about 5 minutes. Maybe it was a quinkie dink but the clerk was Mexican. This nightmare has just started. Now I have to see how much I am libial for. I am so glad my SS is not on my license.

    My first one was. I didnt trust my room mates so I got a drop box for mail. So when I moved I sent in a change of address. Well one company sent a pre approved card to that box and the person used it. Getting that off my credit record was a nightmare. Writing letters to the reporting agency is useless. My neice told me how to do it legally. What stopped it was, I wrote to the CC and demanded a copy of the signed application and a record of all charges. Of course the CC just kept a record I owed money not what for. Then it was taken off my report only to be put back on a diffrent report 6 months later.

    What finally ended this was the statue of limitations ran out on it.

  30. I just read all of these blogs after having spent hours trying to find out who “TLG Greatfun” is. So far, i only have one charge for$1 on my Visa/Debit card…but since reading this site i will be checking for more. Thanks for all the information. Did anyone ever find a website for “tlg greatfun” i would like to see what it is that i am being charged for and so i can explain/confirm everything to my hubby.

  31. Hi all,

    I too just got nailed, on my TCF visa check card.

    In less than 2 days “they” racked up $6595.92

    for purchases, right out of my checking acc.

    TWX*AOL QSTORE (these are where all the $1.00 charges are )

    ALL the transactions were done as a credit.
    They are still pending, But will be paid.
    Dont know if they have the cvv number or not ?

    Just signed up for Time Warner All in one package
    (phone, cable, high speed internet)about 3 weeks ago.
    I was previously only cable customer.

    Just returned from Cancun, Mexico Sat June 10th
    charges started June 13th, Although I never used the
    card there, and kept it in the room safe.
    The whole trip was booked through Travelocity,
    and paid with this card.

    Am I the only one so far with this high of an amount
    of money ???

    Just found out this evening….
    Ran into this site a few hours later !!

    Thanks, its been very useful

    I update when I can

  32. UPDATE:

    look here, Distribution&release=12070

    I think I see how my info ended up in this shady
    bunch of business’s.

    Continental airlines partners with Galileo international,
    which is a subsidiary of Cendant Corp., which is the parent company of TLG….SO ON And SO FORTH….

    I chose the travel package with Continental.

    Every single last one of these company’s that are either a partner, affiliate, associate, ECT…
    state in they’re respective privacy notice’s that they can share all of your info with,
    partner, affiliate, associate, ECT…
    (under the guise that they’re not releasing your info
    to outside parties, which legally they’re not, becouse
    they’re all in a legal sense in the same company through
    partner, affiliate, associate, ECT…

    some even state they freely share info with 3rd parties.

    The sheer amount of company’s that have
    partner, affiliate, associate, most notably Cendant Corp.(and are most definately exerciseing they’re right to share all of the info they gather with one another) is absolutly staggering. Beyond belief. This network is spread out, literally, over the whole globe.

    What bothers me is that I have never heard of Cendant or, most of the other company’s they started and, that they own
    or are partnered with so many company’s we all know.

    I would love to see a flow chart on this group of lowlife,
    and would probably wonder how anyone hasn’t been hacked into and robbed.

    The big picture is scary. I’ll have all my money back in a week or so. Really no harm done to me. The lady that took care of my account said the other couple dozen customers (just this week) would also be fully reinbursed.
    We all pay for the FDIC in one way or another. How long
    can this crap go on before our banking starts to collaspe ?


  33. This is exactly mine today. My debit visa card came under a surprising charge for 39.95

    CHECKCARD TWX*MAGAZINE ORDE 800-773-3142 ON 06/19.

    A non-human answering in this number. I got my card cancelled today and going to call my automated-signups to change the numbers.

    I think it is advisable to go with some well-protected credit card instead of debit card when buying things online.


  34. Thanks for posting this website! I googled TWX*AOL QSTORE and your website came up! The exact same thing happened to me today I have all the same charges plus some! I have a whole group of transactions from Alcot Systems. When you look it up it is in a foreign language? I also have charges from Credit Pass 1 out of Korea. You have saved me lots of time by posting the numbers and such. I already cancelled my debit card. The funny thing is I signed up with experian a month ago to keep track of my credit report, and I paid with my debit card. I don’t think this is a coincidence!

  35. Has anyone heard of Someone attempted to charge over $200 on my card at this site. Fortunately the charge was denied. However, there was an AOL QStore charge for $1.00 that was approved. I am not sure what else was charged because the account is under investigation at this time. The only way I knew this was that my account access was terminated. I called the company and instead of being asked to provide the basic verification info, I was asked several security questions before they would discuss my account. I don’t use this card online – so I am not sure how someone got my number unless it was local.

  36. My sorority’s business account was the latest victim. Apparently I wanted to buy things from the “Qstore”,, and Living in Comfort for about $4000!!

    I think someone is trying to get me fired by buying all kinds of crap with business funds lol

    We are currently a USbank customer…seriously rethinking that after reading this blog.

  37. Found a $99.99 charge from TLG NETMARKET on my VISA card that I stopped using last month. Phoned VISA who set up a three way with TLG NETMARKET who said the purchaser from IL must have entered the wrong credit card number for whatever service he was ordering.

    Sounds fishy to me – purchaser’s last name didn’t match the name on my credit card. TLG said they would issue a credit for the bogus charge. We will see.

    Time to cancel that credit card.

  38. Got the billing from VISA that TLG GREATFN charged $9.99 on my VISA card and I have no idea what I made any order
    in website. So I checked the phone number from statement
    in the website. Found out about that. That is a THIEF so
    please cancel the agreement or membership. I keep the
    prints in case if I get other again. I will report to the
    FCC or agency to arrest you.

    Please remove my account number or email address.

    Please CREDIT of $9.99.


  39. Wow, this is crazy. Why hasn’t TLG been cracked down upon to the point of oblivion? I just got charged $119.99 by TLG*Justforme on my Visa card, through Chase. I just noticed it today, and the charges are from 5 days ago. Called TLG, but they were closed. I have to call them again in the morning, and boy will I be furious with them.

    Here is an interesting, and daunting/scary website;

    I get the impression that TLG is in kahootz with Chase and many other companies. Frankly, I am very pissed and have the feeling that this will take months to resolve. I just bought plane tickets today and I don’t want to mess that up, but I need to cancel to this credit card right away. I’m not sure i want another one, either!

    Ironic that PrivacyGaurd is the same company as TLG; seems like basically the same thing as the local grocer in downtown Chicago buying “protection” from the local gang. Pay them 90 bucks to protect you from fraudulent charges, or they will fraudulently charge you for even more.

  40. i noticed that my bank of america card was charged today… 119.99. after talking to a representative, she told me to wait till the charges go through and then fill out a complant. i cancelled the debt card. did not really need to use it. then i found this site. this is some great info. i cant believe this is still going on after years. bank of america bought out mbna so, i guess that is were it came from… not sure, i cancelled those cards years ago from mbna. well, again, thanks for the post, it has been very helpful

  41. Matt, thank you for providing this. I found it while Googling a temporary authorization made to my MBNA card today for “TWX AOL QSTORE – 888 265 9269” in the amount of $1.00. My next step will be to cancel the credit card, which I have only used about a dozen times on reliable, secure websites in the past 3 years.

  42. I just discovered the TLG*GREATFN charge on my VISA debit card this morning. I remembered seeing an unfamiliar charge last month, but didn’t think anything about it as I had just moved and had made quite a few purchases. However, it showed up again and I knew I hadn’t bought anything. Turns out that I had been charged the last 3 months for $9.99. I started out by calling the bank to make sure that the charge had not been going on longer than May and it hadn’t thank goodness. I then cancelled my card and got a new one issued. THen I called GreatFun at 877-709-0966, and the woman I spoke with (Robin) agreed to stop the charges, and said she would give me a free month and resend my membership package (apparantly I have a $20 Circuit City Gift Card and $40 in “gas, dining, and shopping”). But I was assured that I can call back after receiving it and get my money credited back and membership completely cancelled. She told me that I had signed up through some random website that I’ve never heard of.

    Thanks Matt for posting this website, it helped me figure out what was going on with my bank account and the number to call to stop the charges.

  43. Thanks for hosting the site! I’m here in the UK and it is still going on.
    I have just recieved a call from my bank Cahoot (a sub division of Abbey) here in the UK pointing out to me a $1 transaction from TWX AOL QSTORE. My bank’s security department asked if I knew anything about it. I do buy quite a lot from the US but usually through ebay and Paypal. Of course I knew nothing about it and they refused the transaction on the grounds that a small transaction is usually followed by a large transaction. They obviously have had history of this type of transaction. They also recomended stopping my card and sending me a new one. (it was due to be changed after 3 years anyway). This is a bit of hassle but not too much compared to being ripped off.
    I asked the obvious questions, who, how, how much do you know about it. I recieved a fairly standard answer with no information in it. They did say that this was part of an ongoing police investigation here in the UK. The UK police has recently improved their financial forensic accounting so maybe some information will come from the UK.
    For the record I have a visa debt card (NOT a credit card)
    I use ebay and my details are registered with Paypal
    I have used Amazon but not often. Most people will probably be on these companys lists so that’s not much help in tracking down the source.
    I have used the card quite a few times over the years but always on secure sites
    The card only works as a debt card here in the UK so unlike a credit card which I have used on Holiday abroad (US, Peru, Venezuala, Holland, Spain, Morroco, France).
    Either my card details have been snatched here in the UK. (old reciept or transaction). This would have to include the Security code on the rear of the card for a transaction to go though. Which means someone would physically have to have the card and it rarely goes out of my sight.
    If the card details were snatched here in the UK then some local idiot would have to pass on my details to someone much more significant who then perpetrates the fruad. You would expect to see “sell someone’s credit card details” website for it to be perpetrated so widely.
    This leaves the other, and more likely source that someone at an international merchant( eg amazon) , the Bank or Visa is selling the details. I doubt it is at all the banks mentioned above. So this would leave Visa or a merchant.
    The other option is someone has cracked the bank’s security system and is chargeing millions of people $1. Unlikely as 28 bit encryption takes some time to work out.
    Is there anyone out there working on tracking down this type of fraud and needs some help??

  44. I don’t have time to read all of the posts but I am also a victim of this little scam. although only 10.00. Since I stopped reading right about the time our banks were being pointed at I would like a list of banks that are doing this. Mine is *Wells fargo* The overall point of this is to find a bank that isn’t sleeping with the enemy.

  45. I know this is an old post, but I want to say thanks (to the other people who commented as well) for helping me find out how to get myself out of Synapse’s little scheme. I had no idea who to call to get it taken care of until I came across this and found the numbers you guys posted. I got myself removed from their system pretty painlessly and got my $55 back

    Although I think the number I called i got from a similar thread, because I don’t see that number here, so if anyone else has the TWX Magazine charges call this number 800-601-1958 it’ll want to take you through some automated crap press 0 it’ll ask you again if you want to try the automated system, press 0 again and you’ll be connected to an operator. Just be very clear that you want ALL subscriptions cancelled, and make sure that they agree to refund the charge. The operator cancelled the automatic renewall for me and then tried to kind of end the call untill I asked again about refunding my money and cancelling the current subscription. I didn’t have to argue with them to get it removed or anything, but I got the feeling that she was trying to get me off the phone before I got it clearly across that I wanted the current charges taken off too.

  46. Dear All,

    It is the banks that have a secret relationship with the main company which is Cedant.
    The banks provide your information and recieve a percentage of what Trilegiant charges. This seems to be legal since the new Bankrupcy bill of last year (which hurts everyone not in the upper 6%) You must notify every single company, bank, brokeage house etc each year that you wish to opt out and they are not to share you info with anyone. The duty is on you. Thank You US Congress.

    Now the banks will tell you that they can not sign you up for anything without your permission. Bull Shit. It is a cost benefit analysis for them. And they make millions. Why not partner with Trilegiant and exchange all you private information?
    EX: Bank makes a million dollars and is fined 200 thousand. Well that will teach them never to do that again. Many people just pay. Those who complain get the charges lifted.
    You must be vigilant.

    Not spell checked

    PS: Beware of those plastic cards from PetCo, Acme, Superfresh, Sunoco etc. They are able to track your spending habits and they share your info with marketing companies who can then track you. That hemmoroiud cream you bought or the package of condoms (when your wife had her tubes tied) you purchased when she was out of town with the kids. If you must use them have the store number entered or when you fill out the application write Minnie Mouse, 123 Fairytale Way, Disneyland, LaUSA.

  47. Found out on todays statement that I was charged 119.99 from TLG/GreatFun. Called the credit card co to dispute the bill. Then called TLG, waited on hold and spoke to John. He informed me that we ordered via DeepDiscountDVD in May and that they sent us a check for $2.50 as a rebate. They informed us that we cashed the check and that by doing so we authorized a membership for special offers. What check?? Where is my membership card?? We never received anything. After trying to offer me all sorts of incentives (gift cards) I insisted on a refund. He agreed to credit my card and gave me a confirmation #. I was told 10-15 days to process the request. I will wait the 10 days and then go to the investigation team at my cc co.

    Keep up the great work with the site – it was very useful.

    Remember to:
    Check every line on your statements
    Question everything
    Use FireFox instead of IE.
    Saving a few $ on a “discount” site may not be worth it


  48. Awesome site!! I have also acquired a $1.00 charge to my account from TWX*AOL Qstore. I called the 866 number my bank had for the biller, and got the AOL main number. I have never now will I ever have anything to do with that company!!! Any way, after negotiating the automated line attendant, I got to speak with someone I am pretty sure is in India, or Malaysia. After trying to explain to her that no I dont have an AOL account, never had an AOL account, and why was I getting charged from their company, she put me on hold for 5 min. When she came back, she said that she couldnt access some department or something but here is another 800 number to call. OK, fine. Called that number to get the EXACT SAME auto attendant! Got through the maze and it said “Sorry that number is busy” and hung up on me!!! Called back, went through maze, finally got to talk to a person. Definately American! I explained the same thing to her. She did some digging and found out that the charge from Qstore is just when someone puts their credit card info into their AOL wallet. It is just a pre-authorization charge, to see if the card is actually active. Interesting!! Well, she gave me the number to the fraud dept at AOL, which is closed on the weekends (of course). 1.800.307.7969 in case any one is interested. Needless to say, after reading this whole blog, I have cancelled that card. Thanks for all the info, and I will tell everyone I know about it!!

  49. In january of 06 my fiance and I had purchased tickets to hawaii for our summer vacations on cheap We thought it was great, we could buy online, it was “secure,” easy to use, etc…I paid for mine with an actual credit card, but my fiance paid for hers with her banks Visa debit card. 7 months later after returning from our vacation, for some reason she actually decided to go over her credit statement because of some issues with the airline needing to pay us back for some stuff (delays causing rental car, etc/totally seperate from TLG GREATFN).

    Anyhow, she noticed a charge for 9.99 on the card from TLG*GREATFN. She asked me if i knew what it was and i said, no clue. I googled the company and found many people such as yourself who had been scammed and robbed. Upon further reading I found out that it was most likely cheap who was responsible for leaking our information. Along with the possibility of,, etc. (all owned by same co.). Upon calling GREATFUN they told us they would refund 4 out of the 5 charges over the phone, but we would have to mail for the 5th one. Which is a lie because if you can refund 4 you can do 5, its just that they think no one will take the time to write the letter and wait for the extra 9.99…which is how they make their money in the long run off of you. After asking the person at greatfun how they got my info without me authorizing the purchase, after a few lies, i actually got it out of them that they got it from cheap So greatfun sucks.

    I then called Cheap, which is acutall orbitz, which is a whole ordeal in itself getting someone who can actually speak english and spell out an email address. I had to give it to the girl 10 times and in the end she just hung up on me. So i called back and asked to speak to a manager, which put me on hold for 1 hour.

    Finally I asked why they gave away our credit info and how that was legal, His generic reply was you must have and I quote exactly “mistakenly, possibly unknowingly, accidentally click on a “hyperlink” to Great fun and signed up for their service.” First of all I am a web designer and dont do things like that, im not some idiot who has never seen the internet before and is attracted by flashing buttons. So right then i called him a liar and asked him to stop lying to me. So i got no where with cheap tickets, they are supposed to call me back with some sort of answer.

    BUT, I did file a compalint with my states Dept. of Consumer Affairs, and also the U.S. Attorney General’s Dept. of Consumer Affairs on both of them! Everyone should do this, california, connecticut and some others are already taking these companies to court, we all should. DONT BUY ONLINE AT, oh and get this, I asked where cheaptickets customer service was located cause everyone sounded french on the phone, he told me on the western coast of austrailia on some tropical island. gee what a horrible life, you get to steal money and live like a king.

    be careful and complain to your local authorities…F them.

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