“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.” – God; Futurama episode ‘Godfellas’

I saw this in someone’s signature on a tech mailing list I belong to today and it immediately reminded me of some of the conversations I have had with fellow sysadmins about our jobs. When we do our job well, nobody knows we’re here at all. It’s only when things go boom that people remember we’re around. We said this so often in my former office that perhaps in the back of our mind we were realizing we were doing things ‘too well’. As it turned out grant cuts came around and they decided to merge all our responsibilities into the central IT department, quite possibly because they didn’t realize what exactly we did since we had successfully kept ourselves invisible.
I care too much about the people I worked with for 11+ years to wish them ill will, but the lesser me wants them to regret this decision.
But oh well.. moving forward and back to the subject at hand. When googling this quote I found I’m not the only sysadmin to notice this quote;