Websites, Journals & Sanity

In a chat yesterday with Totally I was teasing him about being an ‘old fart’ since he hadn’t updated his website in eons. He mentioned somethign along the lines of
“I don’t update my website ’cause I’m not into the look at me, look at me thing”
Personally I think thats just his (lame) excuse for having a stagnant website, but is that all personal websites are? Virtual vanity plates?

Also, a few days ago Emily asked me “Do any ‘normal‘ people have livejournals?” Good question (I’m not even touching the ‘what is normal?’ or ‘Why Be Normal?’ topics). But really, what kind of person puts their diary online for the world to view? For what purpose? On that point, why am I writing this?

Any self-defined ‘normal’ people out there care to point us to there livejournal/blog?

2 thoughts on “Websites, Journals & Sanity”

  1. Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever claimed to be normal.

    Different people do different things with LiveJournals. Anarqueso/Drumsong, for example, said she explicitly decided hers would NOT be a journal (in the “Dear Diary …” sense). Mine tends to be somewhere in between. And if you want frighteningly normal, it seems like the majority of LJ users are teenage girls who don’t know how to spell and who post a lot about their math tests and choir concerts. It’s mind-numbing, really.

  2. Yeah. Can’t speak for the normal people, but I’ll say this: If I want to write about my deep dark feelings, it’s not going to be entertaining or useful for others. I’d keep a diary in a private book with blank pages that I could draw on. For me, LJ is an opportunity to work on my creativity, which I find blossoms when I have an audience.

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