I run a small webserver with some friends, Svaha.com. We host friend’s sites and various other small websites for small businesses, authors, musicians and hobbyists.. For the most part none of our sites ever get too much traffic, which is fine since our server isn’t exactly a mainframe.
But occasionally, through some twist of fate, one of our sites gets its 15 minutes of fame and our little server gets slammed to the wall as everyone from here to Timbuktu stops by.
In 1996 this happened with a client we no longer host, a weird ‘scientist’ (using that term loosely here) who had a website about ‘Anti-gravity’. I guess he made enough noise to get the attention of various wackos around the world and eventually his theories were thoroughly slammed in WIRED magazine, but they brilliantly put his URL up (apparently someone else owns it now so I’m not going to post it here). Of course WIRED magazine readers were all web literate, even back in 1997 so they all dutifully hit our little server to read about his ‘research’. After a month or so things died down..
Last year another site we host for a friend, Crash Bonsai hit the media. It apparently got Slashdotted, not to mention a whole article in the Weekly World News and other publications. This site features pictures of small toy cars melted and smashed to make them appear as if they just ran headlong into a bonsai tree. So again our little server was working overtime to feed to artwork curious droves.
Well.. it’s about to happen again, and this time it’s a REALLY weird site. Check out my friend
Battening down the hatches;