- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-01: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-25:
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-18:… http://bit.ly/3w5A12 # - still trying to find buttons to set Daylight Savings Time on 2.5 yr old boy, though we're up 10 minutes later than yesterday. #parenting #fb #
- Hey Mainers – I'm 1:N, 2:N, 3:Y, 4:N, 5:Y, 6:Y, 7:Y. You? Can't wait for FUD & hate filled commercials to end soon. #voting #mepolitics #FB #
- Totally – RT @justinrussell: Tonight would be so much easier if I could understand why anyone in their right mind would vote yes #marryME #
- Not at all proud to be living in Maine. Filled w/ anger & sadness & trying not to spread more intolerance by typing what I really feel #FB #
- RT @therichbrooks: Depressed about Yes on 1 passing. Hey, is that a covered diagnosis in the new Maine Medical Marijuana law? #
- "It's like 'Gay Survivor,' we're going to outlive, outlast, and outsmart the bigots." – Dan Savage #
- RT @EQME: There is a #respectmaine hashtag. Challenge: Make THAT A TRENDING TOPIC. Go! RT! #Maine #marryme #LGBT #gay #
- "All truth goes through 3 stages: 1st it is ridiculed; 2nd it is violently opposed; 3rd, it is accepted as self-evident" Arthur Schopenhauer #
- RT @lindasusan: folks who devote their lives to shutting down love will be punished by living lives devoted to shutting down love. #marryME #
- Planning Sat. AM weru.org show: Phil Ochs, U. Utah Phillips, emma's revolution, Anne Feeney, Si Khan, Kim & Reggie Harris & more. #WERU #
- @EntropyWorks What's the context for the sysadmin questions? Are you applying somewhere or interviewing someone else? #
- RT @petersagal: Once again, Sullivan provides balm and hope after a loss. http://bit.ly/Puabq #marryME #respectmaine #
- Please RT & sign: Join @alfranken – add your name for #hcr with a #publicoption here: http://bit.ly/T9cLS #
- on @werufm ( http://weru.org/ ) on the Saturday AM Coffee House until 10 AM. Started making my playlist Wednesday AM. 'Nuff said 🙂 #weru #