My magic ability – update

Back last December I wrote a short note about my magic ability where my presence and actions occasionally have dramatic effects for other folks. My friend Robin () calls this power ‘webweaving’ but I can’t target mine like she can, as she says I have more of ‘blast radius’.

Well it happened again..

In June of this year I noticed on the way to work one morning a large old bus parked near the ‘cheese house’ that said ‘WinOurBus.Com. I made a mental note of this and checked out their site. I noticed on their ‘summer tour’ note they said they were planning to go to the Lowell Folk Festival, so i dropped them a note saying ‘Hey forget Lowell, come to the WERU Full Circle Summer Fair in Blue Hill (they are from Surry so this wasn’t asking much (for those of you ‘from away’ they are neighboring towns).

They agreed that made more sense and ended up parking their bus dead center of our fair.

Earlier in the year I had sung the praises and pulled every string possible to get a musician I REALLY REALLY LIKE, Billy Jonas to be part of our fair.

Well their contest is over and they didn’t get enough entries to complete it, BUT… they are going to sell the bus to Billy, who saw it at our fair and fell in love with it and his contest entry was apparently a song entitled ‘The Big Bang Boogie Bus’ which I hope to hear some day.

So soon he’ll be touring around the country in a 40′ 1963 bus.. indirectly but definitely associated with me.

Once again.. my power at work. Mock me if you will, but be careful, “every tool is a weapon if you hold it right” (Ani DiFranco) 🙂