Warning – This entry is long and rambling.
Ever read any of Piers Anthony’s Xanth books? Everyone has a magic power, sometimes it’s something small, like being able to dim a candle, other times its powerful, like controlling the wind. More modern pop analogy would be the X-men, where mutations can be great or small. Anyways, whether these things really happen or not is immaterial, but for some reason I’ve found an inexplicable pattern in my life, in other words, for years I’ve been suspecting I’ve figured out one of mine, but it’s difficult to explain precisely. Also, reverting back to the Xanth books, my documenting this may result in the fates smiting my server or website. But.. might as well tempt them 🙂
One sentence summary – My presence in this world results in life altering events for those who know me, I am a catalyst for events that don’t involve me.
Note – Emily says everyone has this magic power, so .. damn. I’m still gonna document this as best I can though, even if it’s all for naught.
I’ve tried to explain this to my friends Hope and Anarqueso recently, with mild degrees of success. Hope said perhaps I was a ‘matchmaker’ (she used the hebrew word for it which I’ve forgotten now), but that’s not precisely it, though at times people who I know do hook up, but it’s broader than that (and also some truely volatile and doomed relationships have resulted from my presence too, so it’s definitely not that). Anarqueso made some analogy to people in my orbit which made more sense to me, I like that because it also explains some of the randomness of my powers, I don’t do anything consciously, I don’t steer people or intentionally affect them, but my presence and my actions, however indirect, result in big changes for others. Also, maybe this happens to everyone, it’s the whole ‘it’s a wonderful life’ and ‘Scrooge’ thing about “I wish I was never born!”, where the protagonist realizes their life has made a difference.
I was starting to write examples here but they got longer than this entry so I’ll post them separately. Look for future entries on:
Jenny from Yreka, CA
Matt G from San Jose, CA
Rachel M from PA
and others when I think of them (i’ll cheat and just come back here and edit this message to add them)
I also suspect I’ll add more to this description later.
If this makes sense to anyone and if you are one of those affected by this ‘power’ of mine, please feel free to comment here. As I said, this isn’t a conscious thing, things just happen, so it’s possible there are stories I don’t even know of.