So in the ‘ongoing saga of a quack who’s gone to the dogs.’. or rather the ongoing saga of Antioch College that’s either about to die a loud noisy and undeserved death or about to make a most amazing comeback ever, the kickass CM’s have been organizing a letter writing campaign to the Board of Trustees in hopes letters might convince them to change their minds about the closure and give us a chance to save the college. Here’s my ‘Drop in the bucket’:
Dear Antioch University Board Of Trustee Member:
“Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ” — Margaret Mead
When I worked in the Dean of Students office at Antioch College from 1993 – 1996, there was that quote was on the back of the office door ,and I saw it everyday. It sank in along side Horace Mann’s famous quote, and, much to the chagrin of the groups and political viewpoints that hold beliefs opposite of my own, has made me steadfastly optimistic that I can make a difference in the world. I’ve found over the years that this optimism is infectious. I’m hoping that’s the case with this letter.
Firstly, I want to thank you for all the hard work you’ve done for Antioch College over the years. I don’t doubt that it’s required many many grueling hours of discussion as well as reading reams of data. In June you were forced in the horrible position to have to vote to close the College. I can’t imagine having been at that table and only seeing data that said there was no other option. That must have been heartbreaking and I don’t envy your position.
However, I believe that this announcement has caused a major shift in the way the college works with its alumni, and how alumni communicate with each other. I don’t know how many of you have stopped by over the past six weeks. There’s some incredible energy and sharing of ideas happening there. Admittedly, there’s lots of arguing and blame throwing, but at the heart of it all are some amazing Antiochians with ideas, energy, enthusiasm, skills and money. Things are buzzing there, and I don’t see this slowing any time soon.
The alumni are now energized and committed to the college more than ever before. While certainly I can’t speak for all 17,000 current college alumni, I do know there are hundreds of us very involved in this effort, and many of us know dozens of others who would join if we were given the chance. There are over 30 active chapters now and more are forming every week.
I can’t explain in words how impressed and amazed I am by some of my fellow graduates recently as they responded to nasty articles by George Will and various other publications and websites around the country. I am convinced that this momentum in the alumni can only mean great things for Antioch College. I’ve joked that the closure announcement has been a ‘wake up call’, though admittedly a 30 megaton one, but a wake up call nonetheless. This ‘near death’ experience will help Antioch College grow and prosper. I’ve written entire essays in the forums on why I think Antioch should be kept open, so I’ll spare you having to read them; just suffice to say that I love the college and feel convinced that, if given a chance, it could come back and begin to achieve the great potential that all of us know it has.
I also know that many of us remain convinced that closing the college for any period of time, let alone 4 years, breaks the continuity we’ve had for decades and also breaks our hearts. As a former Community Manager (’92-’93) and Alumni Board member, I believe deeply that the Antioch College Community, including alumni as well as students & faculty, is part of the lifeblood of Antioch College and the ‘unbroken chain’ of this community works magic within Antioch. Having a 4 year break will result in the loss of most if not all faculty, as well as all current students, and will break this chain. This will be a tremendous loss.
Finally, I can’t speak for others but I also feel that I won’t have a connection to Antioch should it actually close. While I am just one person I do know that I care more for Antioch than I can put into words and I’d like to think Antioch College would be a better place if I were still lending a hand.
While I realize this letter doesn’t contain hard facts and data to logically convince you that we can turn things around, I am hoping you are willing to take a leap of faith and let go of the data for a moment and join us who are, as I described myself earlier, ‘steadfastly optimistic’ that there is a chance and that great things are just around the corner if this decision is reversed. I know that I will continue to put in many hours, and dollars, to Antioch if we can keep those doors open. I have no illusion that this letter alone will change your mind but maybe, just maybe, this ‘drop in the bucket’ might help.
Thank you for listening.
-Matthew Baya
Antioch College,1992, BS Computer Science & Communications
Community Manager 1992 – 1993
Asst. To The Dean of Students 1993 – 1996
Asst. Director of Technology Resources 1996 – 1997
Alumni Board Member – 1998 – 2000