More inane quiz results

So basically today tallies up that I’m a;

Unitarian Snowleopard Easy-Rider Lincoln who does it like a Gay Girl

Who knew?

You’d turn into a Snowleopard!
Like a snowleopard you are quiet, shy and not seen much and find
it hard to talk to people, but dont really mind being by yourself. However once you have gotten over your shyness and are relaxed you are so different it can be scary! You have a few close friends who can grasp your strange ways. You are generally laid back but when you get angry you get angry and can be very vicious and a force to be reckoned with, though few people ever see this.

What animal would you turn into?
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gay girl

You Do It Like a Gay Girl

Even if you’re not a girl’s girl, you act like one.
You tend to form deep, long lasting loves…
And after you’ve gazed into one another’s souls
The battery operated sex follows!

Straight or Gay? Guy or Girl? Who Do You Do it Like?

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