Livejournal Friends Ponderings

I find myself checking my ‘friends’ category several times a day now during lapses at work. Having a new entry appear there is kind of like getting a personal e-mail message from a friend, even though often they have nothing to do with me or anything I care about or can relate to. I guess in the sea of spam that my e-mail has become this is a welcome glimpse into someone elses life and thoughts. A PERSONAL message in a haystack of junk. But why am I craving these entries? Strange Days Indeed…

What’s worse, and what I think is a failure on LJ’s part, I find myself skimming friends old entries looking at their comments so I can see what other people are saying, and read my friends responses. There should be some way to ‘subscribe’ to anything any person writes, even if it’s a comment in someone elses journal (provided that that is public). Anyways…

So now I find myself nudging other friends to get journals too. Like I need more stuff to read. What’s going on inside my head? I think it’s just hoping that I will be ablet to keep in better touch with friends who write in an online journal, but I’m not sure if that’s all it is.

Maybe it’s like being a parent, I find myself nudging childless friends towards getting kids. “Come on.. join the club.. waters fine’ (aka “You Don’t need sleep either!”) 🙂

Just my random babblings for the day.

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