Listening to little old ladies at the Subaru dealership

Sitting at the car dealership this morning. Two “little old ladies” are sitting behind me chatting. A few gems from their conversation:

“Oh and the commercials on the TV, there’s so many…”
“Oh I hear that was Clinton’s fault, he changed it so they could put more commercials on the shows”
“I hate that”

“but the lizard insurance… Geico lizard.. I like that.. if you put animals in there then it’s ok with me”

“Oh and the new stuck on bandaids one… there’s this little dark girl, a little chocolate button, and she sings the cute bandaid song ‘Stuck on bandaids, cause bandaids stuck on me” Now that’s a commercial I like. We sing that all the time”

“But this trash.. the ones with movie stars. Aren’t they horrible?”

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