I’m so nosy

So I’m in the Bar Harbor branch of my bank the other day because in the week prior I brilliantly transferred money from one savings account to the other instead of to checking, and bounced a bunch of checks and got levied with tons of overdraft charges. Ouch!. D’uh.

Well anyways, I talk to the woman at the first available window and start pleading my case, she stares at me like ‘… yeah.. and so you fucked up, and this is my problem how?’ and then I mention that the folks at the Ellsworth branch TOLD ME to come there and to plead my case since this was my branch.. oh and I think they said to talk to ‘Mary’. She points over her shoulder to the woman behind her at another window and I continue my pleading there. They reversed half the charges which was very nice, but that’s not the point of this ‘riveting’ story.

While I’m at Mary’s window I glance over my shoulder to the first womans terminal and see the familiar look of a blog. Then, I don’t know if she saw me glancing or was just finishing up, she clicks on something the window quickly flashes ‘Your Blog Has Been Updated’ and she closes the browser and returns to the normal green & black bankish window. She closed it pretty fast, I felt guilty that maybe she saw me glance over. She closed it quickly.. but not quick enough, Muise In Gradland was it’s title.

So I grabbed one of Mary’s business cards and scribbled down ‘Muise in Gradland’ on it. Today at work I started my googling and have found the above journal, which turns out is a friend of Amy, the bank teller. Why this interests me at all I have no idea, I guess I like the idea of learning about strangers that i only know as people behind the counter. Anyways, I found the bank teller’s blog. I think I did this because I was wondering if she was writing something ‘You wont believe the dolt who just came in here saying he wanted some overdraft charges reversed’.. cause you know, it’s all about me šŸ™‚ But it wasn’t in this case, I think she was just commenting on a friends journal.

Her blog is actually quite amusing. I don’t envy her having to work in downtown Bar Harbor, but it is amusing to hear her stories of weird customers and annoying local business owners etc. Here are some recent snippets that made me giggle:

    Thursday, July 15, 2004

    man comes in after using the atm
    “do you have cell phones up here?”
    “yes…uhh why”
    “my cell phone doesn’t work.”
    “uh huh”
    “i’m from chicago, my phone works fine there.”
    “ahh, well. sorry it doesn’t work.”
    “ohh…so you don’t know how to make my phone work?”
    “uhm no, sorry”
    “ok, bye”
    # posted by the king @ 7/15/2004 03:30:16 PM

    Tuesday, July 13, 2004

    apparently if you’re in a hurry, and you’ve lived here for thirty years, but you don’t bank here even though it’s closest to your business, i should go out of my way to make change for you ahead of customers. and when you’re rude to me i should see how i’ve wronged you and fall to my knees and raise the dollar bills and quarter rolls on a velvet pillow slowly up to your hands while averting my unworthy eyes. bitch.
    # posted by the king @ 7/13/2004 12:59:17 PM

I’ve also noted she checks her ‘Tracker’ quite regularly, which means she is looking at her stats of who reads her blog. So she’s gonna see several hits from my workplace, but I thought it would be fun to link her here in hopes others will hit her blog and she’ll wonder what in the world happened. Bwahahaha.

I’ve also learned from her blog that out of the several people who are tellers there, she’s the only one I would get along with. One of the others, Tia, (not sure if that’s a real name or a blog pseudonym) apparently is fairly religious and even believes in ‘rapture’

    “oh my god. tia just told us that war is supposed to happen because it’s in the bible. and when the day of reckoning comes there will be a flash of light and she will be gone. partying in the next world. or something to that effect. oh how i wish she was kidding. “
    # posted by the king @ 6/18/2004 10:21:05 AM

Ok so note to self, avoid dealing with Tia.

So the question is.. how long until she googles her blog URL and finds this page, or better yet… how long until she puts something in her blog saying ‘Just once I wish a customer would come in and just tell me a joke’ or “I wish a stranger would hand me a mix CD’ or something like that where I can, as someone she doesn’t know at all, walk in and fulfill her request. Ok, not bloody likely but you never know, stranger things have happened.

I’m watching and waiting, … you know that quote, ‘practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty’ or whatever.. I think mine is ‘practice random acts of silliness and entropy’.

I told Christian this whole story and she seemed amused by Amy’s blog too, in fact she said she’s going to go in there just to meet her.

If nothing else I’m hoping she’ll start wondering and posting about her new found fame as a site that people at ‘the lab’ read šŸ™‚

.. and if you’re reading this someday, Amy, Hi there. Nice to meet you. I’m sorry you have to work with Tia.. and sorry you have to deal with all the crazy Bar Harbor tourists and locals. I promise to do my best to not to be an annoying customer.. or at least if I have some tedious annoying request.. i’ll bug Tia and maybe make some comments about paganism or wicca just to see if she jumps šŸ™‚