Random IM of the day. I was in a goofy mood so I responded in kind. No response from the other end. Afterwards I googled the name and found this was something more, more on that below. But first, “our chat”;
2:00 PM
johnhatscroft: i say, old bean, have you seen my hat?
Matthew Baya: Sorry old chum, I haven’t. Have you asked Lucy?
Matthew Baya: I dare say she’s been looking dashing lately, per chance she might have seen it about town, if you know what I mean.
Matthew Baya: Sorry to hear that ol’ top is missing, it was quite the cap. Jolly good times you had with that on your head, no? Ah the memories, but I shant say no more of that in public. Nudge nudge
2:10 PM
Matthew Baya: You’re awfully quiet governor, what say you?
2:15 PM
Matthew Baya: Aw well, twas good chatting with you. Lets together and share a pint in a fortnight or so, eh? Jolly good, til then, ta ta.
johnhatscroft has gone offline.
So I googled ‘johnhatscroft’ and found this URL – http://kalephunk.livejournal.com/2006/06/12/ where the author details what she found out about this IM. Turns out this quote is from the Great Gatsby and this IM is from a ‘relay bot’ that posts the two sides of a chat to two different participants in a chat. So somewhere some random user got my goofy responses. I wonder do these bots archive what is sent? Maybe I’ll be published someday.
Good times. Practice random acts (kindness optional) 🙂
PS – Thanks to hopita for pointing out there is a LJ community for this at
themissinghat, I’m going to cross post this there.