Just a bit more of a follow up on the subject of time banking. First off you can read more about Time Banks in general at timebanks.org . As I mentioned before the parent site for the Maine Time Banks is mtdn.org
Regarding the local one that is already established on Mount Desert Island and expanding to the larger area… of coure I am now roped in to helping it get started up. I went from ‘I’m too busy, and I’ve already sold my volunteer soul to WERU (and Star Island and Antioch College and …)’ But I’m a sucker, and I’ve already put their membership form online, something that all the other Time Banks in Maine either couldn’t do or didn’t think was important. Dunno, but our’s is up though not associated with a domain yet since we don’t officially even know what our name is yet (“Is it The Hancock County Time Bank? Mid-Maine Time Bank? Downeast Time Bank?”). But for any local folks (Downeastmike? Elvis? … I guess that’s it for local folks that I at least suspect read my blog. Sigh 🙁 ) the application is up temporarily here. Special thanks to Fergus at Extrafin for help with fancy schmancy CSS formatting of this form.
I met with Renee, the coordinator for the Time Bank and I’m now an ‘official’ member. I plan on collecting on some hours to get Emily a massage so she might forgive me for getting involved with yet another group 🙂
Exciting entry eh? Hey it’s winter in Maine, times are slow.
i don’t think i have any skills to time bank. is this like amway and you need us to sign up so you can get a tractor or whatever. i don’t want to stand in the way of john deere. i guess i could balance checkbooks or give lessons in civil war history. that could take lots of hours…