Readers? I have readers?

Just saw mention in Uni (aka Xydexx)’s livejournal that he reads my blog, and he found the link to Drumsong’s livejournal via my site!

Not really sure how Uni found my journal, I don’t think I made any mention of it to him. I did tell Countryham, I wonder if he passed it on, or did Uni just randomly happen across my journal? Kismet, who knows.

But see… now I have this problem, before I was just writing stuff for my own amusement or random strangers who might actually click on the ‘ideas and thoughts’ link off my main page (and would actually read it). But now.. Uni & Drumsong? Probably two of the most creative, albeit weird, friends I have are reading my journal. Add Hope and I’ve got alot of writing to do to be even a fraction as interesting as their journals.

Where to start…

Websites, Journals & Sanity

In a chat yesterday with Totally I was teasing him about being an ‘old fart’ since he hadn’t updated his website in eons. He mentioned somethign along the lines of
“I don’t update my website ’cause I’m not into the look at me, look at me thing”
Personally I think thats just his (lame) excuse for having a stagnant website, but is that all personal websites are? Virtual vanity plates?

Also, a few days ago Emily asked me “Do any ‘normal‘ people have livejournals?” Good question (I’m not even touching the ‘what is normal?’ or ‘Why Be Normal?’ topics). But really, what kind of person puts their diary online for the world to view? For what purpose? On that point, why am I writing this?

Any self-defined ‘normal’ people out there care to point us to there livejournal/blog?