Proud Parent Warping His Child

Get this – Owen’s favorite things to watch these days are videos of The Blue Man Group. We have a video of ‘The Complex’ and, while loud at times, it’s actually pretty kid friendly. He likes to swing in a swing we have hung from the ceiling in the basement and watch this, while he imitates the drumming and dancing. He tells us he wants to watching this by banging on the basement door (where the video & swing are) and then imitating drumming. We want to get him a copy of ‘STOMP’ but can’t find one on BitTorrent, ah well. Uncle Paul has a copy, we’ll have to borrow his when he’s ashore.

However, he is currently watching the Muppet Show (Gilda Radner is currently singing Gilbert & Sullivan with a 7 foot tall carrott).

While we may end up with slightly warped child because of these influences, I’m ok with that. 🙂

Other parts of his video diet, which we actually try to keep down to a minimum, are:
* Billy Jonas – Everybody’s In The Band DVD
* Bear in the Big Blue House
* Postcards From Buster – Still hoping to see the banned ‘Sugartime’ episode.
* Bob The Builder
* Sesame Street (finally showing new episodes again! yay!)
* Clifford the big red dog.

Emily warned me that he actually saw a little of Barney the other day and liked it but.. sorry kid, not gonna happen.

I was going to write more talking about Owen’s vocabulary etc, but I don’t have time now so this is going to have to suffice for now.


Simple Pleasures

Buying a used 25 cent plastic fire truck only to find out it takes batteries and having Owen figure out how to get it to go when I couldnt (oh of course you roll it back and forth 4 or 5 times, then the lights and siren go!). What’s best is he LOVED this truck even before it showed any signs of interactivity. W00t!