Mail mischief

Ok so recently my friend Hope posted a note on the Antioch92 alumni MSN board that she found some livejournals of current Antioch College students. Ok, I’m game, I’m curious what they have to say.

So I read Jenna’s Livejournal. Kinda interesting to read her online diary, and I wish people had been doing this when I was a student, but here’s one entry that really caught my eye;

    “anyway, i want to get stuff in the mail. so.. i’m giving you all my school address, and you better all send me stuff. i don’t care what – letters, postcards, food, whatever.. just send me stuff!

    Jenna Fields
    Student Mailroom, Antioch College
    Yellow Springs, OH 45387”

Did she REALLY just ask strangers to send her “Whatever” ? Oh dear.
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